March 7-11

Happy Friday! 

We are looking forward to one last full week before spring break! Woot! 

The third quarter ends on April 1st, so please encourage your child to continue to read and get their AR points for the quarter! 15 are required. 

Here is what is going on this week: 

Monday- PE, Latin, Music

Tuesday- Band, Art 

Wednesday- Music, Band, Latin

Thursday- PE, Latin, Math Test, Literature Quiz 

Friday- Assembly, Library, Band, Spelling Test

Here is what we are learning this week: 

Science- We will continue to study weather this week! 

Math- Math lessons this week be on volume of a rectangular prism, proportions, order of operations, and using cross products to solve proportions. We will have a test on Thursday! 

Literature- We will continue to read Redwall. The students will have a quiz on Thursday over book 1 of Redwall. 

Bible- The memory verse, James 2:2-8, is due Tuesday, March 22nd. We will wrap up our study of Paul's second missionary journey and begin studying his third. 

Grammar- This week we will review object pronouns and direct objects and will learn about the perfect verb tense. 

Writing- The students will continue to work on their research papers. 

History- We will be finishing our study of Luther in this upcoming week.   

Geography- The students should study their maps of Asia for the quiz, which will be after the break. 

Spelling- The lesson 22 words will be assigned on Monday. The homework will be due on Thursday and the test will be on Friday. 


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