
Showing posts from April, 2022

April 25-29

Happy Monday!  Thank you all so much for your prayers for me and my family, especially my mom. They were heard and God is good! I also appreciate all the grace given to me being out all week. Mrs. B is amazing and did a wonderful job filling in for me. We'll be working things out and adjusting due dates this week to get back on track.  We are looking forward to Grandparents' Day on Thursday! We are also looking forward to Workathon next week. Please be sure your child is collecting their donations to help raise money for our school.  Here is what is going on next week:  Monday- PE, Latin, Music  Tuesday- Band, Art Wednesday- Music, Band, Latin, Math Test  Thursday- PE, Latin Friday- Assembly, Library, Band, Spelling Test, Geography Quiz  Here is what we are learning this week:  Science- We will continue our study of plants and animals.  Math- We will be reviewing and completing an investigation on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday the students will have a math test. Thursday and Fr

April 11-15

Happy Friday!  We have started our achievement tests today. These tests will run through all next week, only in the mornings. This means the students will not have some of their normal subjects. The students will also not have Latin on Monday and Thursday due to scheduling conflicts.  Here is what is going on next week:  Monday- PE, Music Tuesday- Band, Art Wednesday- Music, Band, Latin, Bible Test  Thursday- PE, Bible Memory Verse due Friday- No School!  Here is what we are learning this week:  Science- We will continue our study of plants and animals.  Math- No math this week due to achievement tests! Literature- We will continue to read Redwall in the afternoon when we have time.  Bible- We have finished our study of Paul's 3 missionary journeys and the students will have an essay test on Wednesday. They will need to be able to write about Paul's life, how God used him in the kingdom, and give at least 3 examples of different events that happened in his life. The memory vers

April 4-8

Happy Friday!  It's the end of the third quarter! Thank you to the many of you who sent in ice cream for our celebration. You are wonderful!! Hard to believe that we are already entering into the last quarter of 6th grade!  We'll be going on a field trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo on April 19! I still have spots for two chaperones, if anyone is still interested.  Achievement testing will begin on Friday and run throughout the entire next week. We will not have classes in the morning, as testing will take up the entire morning. Students are allowed to bring snacks on testing days, as we'll be taking breaks between tests.  Here is what is going on next week:  Monday- PE, Latin, Music Tuesday- Band, Art Wednesday- Music, Band, Latin, Math Test  Thursday- PE, Latin  Friday- Assembly, Library, Band, Spelling Test, Start of Achievement Tests  Here is what we are learning this week:  Science- We will continue on our study of plants and animals.  Math- Lessons this week are on writing f