
Showing posts from December, 2021

December 20-24

Happy Friday!  We've made it through the last full week! The students put on a great presentation today in assembly! They've had a lot going on this week and they've worked really hard. We are all thoroughly looking forward to our last three days and break!  Don't forget that we will be doing a Christmas gift exchange the last day of break, the 22nd. Please bring a wrapped $5 gift! Also, if you would like to bring in snacks that day for the class, please feel free to send some in for our Christmas party!  I pray that you all have a Merry Christmas and a blessed time with your family and friends. What a blessing it is to take this time to reflect on the wonderful gift of our Savior!  Here is what is going on this week:  Monday-   PE, Latin, Music  Tuesday- Band, Art, Geography Quiz (retake)  Wednesday- Music, Band, Christmas Party  Thursday- No School!  Friday- No School!  Here is what we are learning this week:  Science- Monday we will have some electricity centers. Tue

December 13-17

Happy Friday!  What a crazy and fun week it has been! I'm so proud of how well the 6th graders did at the concert last night! They've been excellent leaders all week. We're heading into our last full week before break and we have a lot to accomplish.  Don't forget that we will be doing a Christmas gift exchange the last day of break, the 22nd. Please bring a wrapped $5 gift!  Here is what is going on this week:  Monday-   PE, Latin, Music  Tuesday- Band, Art, Geography Quiz (for those who didn't take it Friday)  Wednesday- Music, Band, Latin, 5 Paragraph Essay due  Thursday- PE, Latin, Math Test, History Timelines due  Friday- Assembly, Library, Band, Spelling Test Here is what we are learning this week:  Science- The students' science projects are due on Monday! They'll be presenting them in class. We'll also continue our unit on electricity.  Math- Lessons this week will be on simplifying fractions, reducing, dividing fractions, and common denominators

December 6-10

Happy Friday!  We had a fun week back and the students have jumped right back in. I sent an email with a few reminders, including the Christmas Shoppe, a gift for our class gift exchange, and donations for PitCare.  The Christmas concert is Thursday night, so we've adjusted the schedule a bit so Mr. Hixon can have all students combined, which is why Music is moved to Tuesday and Thursday.  Here is what is going on this week:  Monday-   PE, Latin  Tuesday- Band, Art, Music, Math Test  Wednesday- Band, Latin  Thursday- PE, Latin, Music, Bible Test  Friday- Assembly, Christmas Shoppe, Library, Band, Spelling Test, Geography Quiz (Optional--can take on Tuesday)  Here is what we are learning this week:  Science- The students have been assigned their energy projects and have worked on them a bit in class. These projects are due Monday, December 13th. A digital copy of the instructions was posted on Google Classroom. We'll also begin studying our next unit on electricity.  Math- We wi