September 20-24

Happy Tuesday! 

Thank you for all your kind words and prayers for my mom! I really appreciate it and all the grace shown this past week through all the craziness. 

We are looking forward to having the class return this week! We have picture day on Thursday, before PE class, and book character dress up day on Friday. This is to kick off Book-It, which begins in October! Remember, this is optional. Students need to read 12 hours a month, record it, have a parent sign off on their sheet, and turn it in at the end of the month. 

Here is what is going on this week: 

Monday-PE, Latin, Music 

Tuesday- Band, Art

Wednesday- Music, Band, Latin, Math Test 

Thursday- Picture day! PE, Latin, Memory Verse due (for those who haven't said it yet), Bible Test

Friday- Book Character Dress Up Day! Elementary Assembly, Library, Band, Spelling Test, History Test 

Here is what we are learning this week: 

Science- We've been working on studying different parts of the brain and will continue to do that, along with how the nervous system can be damaged. 

Math- Lessons on Monday and Tuesday were about negative numbers and problems about equal groups. Wednesday we will have a test and Thursday we will complete the investigation from last week! Friday the students will work through lesson 16, which covers rounding whole numbers and estimating. 

Literature- We'll continue reading through Tuck Everlasting and completing activities in class. 

Bible- If your child has not yet recited the memory verse, they will need to do that on Thursday. We'll also have our first Bible test on Unit 2, which we created a study guide for last week. 

Grammar- We will be continuing to review Shurley and work on prepositional phrases. 

Writing- We'll be completing some in class activities to help improve our writing. 

History- The students will have their first test on Friday, which will be over our introduction to the Renaissance, as well as on Petrarch and Giotto. Students have notes for all these people, which they can use to study. We will also continue our study, learning about Lorenzo Valla and Cosimo deMedici. 

Geography- The students will be studying Central America for the quiz next week. We'll also start on the 50 states! 

Spelling- Students will complete lesson 3 this week. Words and homework will be assigned on Monday, due Thursday, with a test on Friday. 


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